
Friday, March 4, 2016

Troubling Times

Ever get nervous?  Ever feel like things are out of control?  Ever just want some relief from what is happening in your life at the moment?  As an apprentice of Christ how do we respond to those times in our lives that are troubling?
Troubling Times
It is the case that we are to follow Christ, is it not?  His actions and reactions in John 12:27 – 28 may give us a clue as to how to respond to troubling times.  Jesus knows that in the next few days things are going to be really hard.  He describes His soul as troubled, which, in itself is astounding.  He knew exactly what was coming – troubled?  I would be in a free fall panic.  But our Lord is troubled.  His response?  Rather than ask to be saved from the hour, He asks God to glorify His Name.  This is instructive.

We saw in John 11 that our prayer should be anchored in asking for God and His Son to be glorified.  Here Jesus employs the same remedy to the troubling times through which He is about to pass.

We tend to want relief.  Christ wanted His Father glorified.

We may not get relief.  God will be glorified.

This answers for me what to pray in response to Luke 18:1.  This also informs my use of Philippians 4:6 – 7.

It seems like the Lord has me in school and the subject is prayer…

1 comment:

  1. As we've been exposed to what is happening in the world (if we are interested beyond our own country) it is tragic and heartbreaking. Many thousands (maybe millions) of our brothers and sisters in Christ are literally starving to death along with their countrymen, and suffering seems to have no bounds - including mass crucifixion of believers in places.

    We have been "fortunate" to have escaped such suffering in our country. So far. But the signs are all over, and much of the trouble is due to our own ignorance and false expectations for what life should be here.

    Jesus knew He would glorify His father by the death of unimaginable suffering. I'm afraid - afraid that I wouldn't do well in such circumstances. Martyrdom is not on my "bucket list." May God increase my passion to glorify Him as my greatest desire....
