
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Undisagreeable Disagreements

In What kind of Study are you...
If you are in a Bible study where you have prepared and really dug into the Word, you will come to the study with some strong opinions as to both your understanding of the text and its application.  That, by the way, is a really good place to be.
Undisagreeable Disagreements
Not all will agree...
If you are in a group that is talking that type of study everyone in the room will have strong opinions of their understanding and application of the text.  It is likely that the views will not mesh.  At least some of them.

How do you resolve the dissonance?  Well it is not the case that the one who speaks louder or longer is necessarily correct.

Disagreement is positive...
Ephesians 4:11 – 16 and 1 Corinthians 12:7 tell us that we are each given gifts for the purpose of building up the Body.  Each person in the study has a gift.  Each person was given that gift to build up the other people in the study.  Our job as believers is to engage each of those gifts so that the end result, our understanding of the text and its application, is greater than any one of the members could have come up with on their own.

Disagreement is power
The power of the group is in the disagreement.  For at least two reasons.  If your understanding is challenged, you are forced to reevaluate your position and validate it from the text.  Your understanding functions the same way for the others in the group.

Second, what the others see may expand or add to the observations you have made both validating them as well as extending them.

Seek Disagreement...
This only works if all of those in the study are committed to excellent preparation.  It is hard work.  It is exhilarating when it happens.  It is worth fighting for.

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