
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Recital of Grace

The Show
The recital was at the studio this time.  It was about 25 three year old girls, one of which was one of my granddaughters.  It was a ballet.  The room was full of parents, siblings, and grandparents.  IPhones, cameras, and other video recording devices were there to record the pink and red tutu clad dancers every move.  Sometimes they moved together – well not so much.
The Recital of Grace
My Focus
My attention was on my granddaughter.  She mostly watched what the other girls were doing.  Every now and again she actually did the step that was called for by the dance, not often, but sometimes.  It was progress from the last recital.

There was a treat, a big pink cookie, at the end of the program.  She was into that.

All Pleased
All in all my granddaughter was pleased, so were her parents and grandparents, delighted in fact.  We have already watched and shared the video I took.

The Christian Life is Like the Recital
I woke up early this morning.  Couldn’t sleep.  Number of reasons, they are not important.  As I was lying in bed trying to go back to sleep, which is a ridiculous exercise, it occurred to me that the Christian life is a lot like my granddaughter’s recital.

We are Like Her
We are much like my granddaughter.  We are in a dance.  We are haltingly engaged.  There are time when we actually make a right step.  It is more by accident, it seems than by design.  Our audience is our Father.  He delights in watching our halting attempt.

We Expect to be Rewarded
We get excited because we did a step or two correctly.  We think that is what makes us acceptable to our audience.  We treat ourselves, congratulate ourselves focus on that right step that we did.

Our Father doesn’t Care
Our Father, is pleased.  He is pleased not because we got a step right.  He is pleased because He loves us.  He is pleased, delighted if we never get a step right.  It is not our performance that pleases Him.  We will pretty much never get the dance right.  Oh, as we grow, we may get more and more steps right.  But, we will always flub the dance, miss the mark.  It is called sin.

But He delights.


He Paid for the Recital
Because He loves us.  He loves us so much that while He knew that we were going to flub the dance, miss the mark, sin.  He sent His Son to dance for us.  He sees us through His Son.  He delights in us because He paid a high price for us.

Romans 5:6 – 11, describes our recital.  He delights in us not that we get a step or two right.  He delights in us because He paid for the recital.


  1. A beautiful exposition of grace coming from real life!. I live a long way from my grandchildrens, but do get an occasional video via mobile phone.

    But I stillremember the 45 years of family memories, our four little princesses through the endless (it seemed at the time) recitals, dances, plays, graduations, hours of practicing.... No mobile devices then, and any photos are buried in boxes somewhere. But I have the memories; I will carry them to heaven.along with millions of others of our family life.

    Those are coming to an end in various ways. But our Father remembers.... Amazing love, amazing grace. We are HIs beloved!

  2. Mike, That was a very good "word picture." It was very encouraging that we don't have to get it right, and in fact will never will get it right, even as hard as we try.

    Chuck, Your response was very eloquent and hit the mark as well.
