
Monday, October 26, 2015

Suffering Members Why Not?

The Challenge
Yesterday I asked if it was your experience that we hurt when one of those in our community hurts.  In my experience too often the answer is no.  Why?  There may be several reasons.
Suffering Members Why Not?

Not Operating In Giftedness
There are those in the Body who are showing up but not engaged.  They are not contributing for whatever reason.  They are there to consume not share.  They may not have identified their gifts.  They may have, but they are holding back.  It is hard for one who is not engaged feel the hurt of others.

Not Transparent
This was one of the issues with the Corinthian church, 2 Corinthians 6:11 – 13.  It is pretty much impossible for others to hurt for one if one is not sharing the challenges in their life.

Too Busy
This may be the root issue for us in the western Church.  The reason we are not engaged or transparent with one another, is that there are too many events scheduled on our smart phones.

Not Equipped
This last one could be a function of one’s fellowship culture.  I have quoted Ephesians 4:11 – 16 often.  It may be the case that people are not engaged, transparent, or too busy because there has not been an emphasis in the fellowship on engaging with one’s gift with a life that is transparent.

The Ideal
Read Acts again.  Look at how the believers related to one another.  What would it be like if all in your fellowship were operating in their gifts transparently sharing their lives with the purpose of building up one another’s faith?

Be pretty neat.

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