
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Misplaced Anxiety

Who Is This?
A Christian group started in 1844 with 13 men in London.  In 1855 they published their mission statement with read in part:
We “…seek to unite those young men who, regarding Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour, according to the Holy Scriptures, desire to be his disciples in their faith and in their life, and to associate their efforts for the extension of his Kingdom amongst young men.”
In 1851, D. L. Moody was the leader of this group in the United States.

Here is the core of their Logo at the time:
Misplaced Anxiety
Do you know the organization?  Select the area between the # marks to find out #The YMCA#.  Needless to say one does not associate commitment to the gospel with that organization today.

Many Drift Away
In my lifetime I have seen pastors leave the faith.  I have seen Christian missions abandon their core commitment to the Word of God.  Schools like Princeton, Yale, Harvard, and Duke which were founded to train pastors have abandoned that core responsibility and become bastions of secular thought.

When I see a Christian leader stumble and fall, it troubles me.  I hate it.  When I see a Christian organization or denomination abandon the Word of God, I grieve.

Many Will Change Their View of the Word of God
Jeremiah 5:5, 15, speaks to this.  We will continue to see denominations, churches, leaders, and Christian organizations like the one above break the yoke and burst the bonds.  But…

God Does Not Change
That does not diminish, marginalize, invalidate, or change God.  He is.  It is appropriate to grieve.  It is not appropriate to worry or get anxious about some entity breaking the yoke.  God is God.  Their departure does not change that.  John reminds us in 1 John 2:19 why they leave.

So when we see leaders, denominations, churches, and organizations leave the faith and abandon the Word, we need not get anxious.  We need to hold on tight to our unchanging God.

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