
Monday, October 5, 2015

Heart and Soul Impression

Deuteronomy 11:18 was in my reading last weekend.  The image that is presented in that passage is one of what God expects of our relationship to His Word.  It is not a cursory relationship that He is describing.
The image rather, is that of permeation.  He expects, demands, that His Word be impressed on our heart, the center of our life, and our soul, our life essence.

So when we choose to skip our time in the Word for _____________.  Not sure that fits in with His expectation for us.

To emphasize this I looked up some definitions of impression (by the way that is a good practice in your Bible study, even for words you know, it is interesting to look at how the word’s different definitions impact your understanding of the passage).

In the context here, the Word of God is making a lasting mark on our heart and soul.  That is not a fleeting or incidental occurrence.  Rather, it is intentional and a choice.

How do you think we are doing with that?


  1. I heard a long time ago that my English dictionary was one of the very best Bible study tools I had in my library. When I take advantage of it, it almost always expands or challenges my understanding of the passage.

    As to how I am doing? Compared to the example of Jesus, the Living Word, or even the Apostle Paul, not so great. But I'm also doing, especially in impact or impression on my life as you talk about, better than ever in my life until this point.

    And I can't begin to describe or even understand the impression on my life my dear wife has left as she lived the love of Christ before me consistently every day for 45 years.

    I'm afraid I don't come close....

    1. Yeah, looking up the words does at least two things. Slows me down and makes me consider different readings of the text.

      As to my pathetic application of what I study, the Good News is that in Christ all has been applied. My quest to more effectively apply results in a closer walk with Him but does not change my standing with Him.
