
Friday, September 18, 2015


The blog post needs writing – I do not want to write it.  Frankly, I am worn out and do not know what to write.  It has been a long, unproductive day.  You ever have those?
Yesterday, I asked the question do we measure our spirituality by our performance, the tacit answer is probably yes, we do.

So when the day has been long, unproductive, when our sin nature has bubbled to the surface more often than not, where is spirituality?  Where is the hope?  To what do we cling?

For me, it is Colossians 2:9 – 10.  If that passage Paul wrote is true, inspired, like we believe it is.  I am complete in Christ.  Long, unproductive day and all.

Hold tight to that.

1 comment:

  1. Just ONE day??? How about one week, or one month... It seems sometimes my life is fliying by with nothing more accomplished than basic maintenance of life and decent order.

    I feel for me the issue is not so much spirituality, but personal significance. A confession theme the people of God have (or should have) used through generations is stated differently but essentially says, "We have done what we should not have done, and we have failed to do what we should have done.

    A lot of times I am not able to even sort out what those things are, or even when I have done whatever "good" I might have done from a selfish, self-centered heart.

    Bottom line? I'm truly hopeless - without the hope of my life in Christ. Col.2:9,10 is one great one. I can't live these days without 2 Cor. 5:21: "(God) made (Christ) who knew no sin to be sin on (my) behalf that (I) might become the righteousness of God in Him."

    That is pure grace that I had absolutely nothing to do with. And it leaves wide open the way for me to come to Him in the most painful repentance (quite frequent these days) without any sense of condemnation and assurance that I am forgiven and cleansed.

    So I get to take His grace and try again the rest of today, and tomorrow....
