
Tuesday, January 20, 2015


A lot of my time is spent either in Bible study or equipping others to do Bible study.  In most cases – this may sound arrogant but it is not intended to – I know more about the Bible than those with whom I am interacting.
Because of that I seek out those who can push me in the Word.  Some of those people are authors with whom I interact through their books.  I have on three occasions contacted professors I had in seminary.  But the primary means is the study I joined a couple of years ago on Tuesday morning.  The men in that study have been studying the Word deeply and at least as long as I have.  They push me.

This morning one of the men shared what he saw out of the passage we were studying.  I have several hours invested in the study – but I did not see what he saw.  It was awesome.  I was challenged, encouraged, and exhorted to do better by what he saw.

On the other had I have been in a study for about two years now with a pastor in another country.  Most of that time we have been focused on equipping him to study the Word more effectively.  It took some time but we have weaned him off of commentaries.  Last week in the passage we were studying he made some observations that I completely missed and this is my fourth time through that book in the past couple of years.  I was beyond thrilled.

Two things.  We need to find those who push us in our understanding of the Word and our relationship with Christ.  Second, those whom the Lord allows us to help, including and most importantly, our kids, we need to build into their lives so that they get to the point that they are seeing more than we do in the Word of God.

When that happens, I begin to understand Paul in 1 Thessalonians 3:8.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the challenge and encouragement, Mike. Besides helping younger men, I will seek to intentionally train the kids and study with other mature men, Prov 27:17.
