
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Listen and Heed

For the past year I have been studying Jeremiah.  For the past several years I have been pulled toward the book.  It was like the Lord was tapping me on the shoulder saying you need to go through this…  But I was already in three studies that required significant prep and could not fit it in.  Last fall it occurred that I was able to pick what was going to be studied in those three studies, I chose Jeremiah.
If we say we are followers of the Lord, what does that say about our relationship to His Book?  Thoughts at DTTB.
I have or am working through the book with four different groups.  So I have been through the book in some detail four times this year.  This morning I was in Jeremiah 13 with a pastor in another country – we study together via video call over the web.

Read Jeremiah 13:15 – 17.  The language reminds me of Psalm 50:1.  Judah is exhorted to listen and heed what the Lord has said to them.  They do not.  They think they have a better plan.  They don’t.  Look at how the Lord’s reaction is described in verse 17.  He weeps because of the pride of His people.

By God’s grace we have His thoughts, His words, in a book.  We can understand some of His nature and character as we read and study this Book.  There is direction.  There are promises.  There are principles for wise living.

If we say that we are His follower, and we are not in His book consistently – well who are we trying to kid?  If we are not applying what we read and study in His book, what is it exactly that informs our Christianity?  If we are not in His Word and grappling with its depth, about what are we talking in our communities?  Our ideas?  Jeremiah 23 has some harsh things to say about that.

It seems reasonable if God made the effort to reveal Himself in the Book that we should be about passionately devouring it.

1 comment:

  1. It is likely no accident (!) that to every one of the churches in W. Turkey addressed by the Speaker in Revelation 2, 3 comes the exhortation, "He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." I suppose the exhortation "worked" for a while, but apparently not very long. I've never been to the area, but understand none are there now. As we watch the apostasy in traditional "Christian" cultures today, we can easily understand the process. May I listen, and hear, the Spirit's voice today.
