
Friday, July 4, 2014

Grasping at Leadership 5

There is so much in Hebrews 5 that deals with the person of Christ that there is neither space nor enough days to cover it.  I would recommend spending some extended time in this passage looking at what Hebrews 5 tells you about the person and ministry of Christ.
Hidden in Hebrews 5 may be one of the qualifications for leadership...  Thoughts at DTTB.
Just to point out one thing, look at verse 7.  Notice the parallel and differences between the role of the high priest and the role of Christ as high priest.
High Priest Gifts Sacrifices
Christ Prayers Supplications
This suggests that if we are to imitate Christ’s leadership as we are exhorted to do many times in the New Testament, we are to be about prayers and supplications for the people we are called to serve.

That is tough for me.  That is not my strength.  That is the assignment though.

P.S.  Perhaps that is one of the things that the Lord looks for in those whom He takes and appoints to leadership, a commitment to prayer and supplication.

Posts in this series:
Grasping at Leadership 4
Grasping at Leadership 3
Grasping at Leadership 2
Grasping at Leadership


  1. Neat observation!
    Gifts and Sacrifices -- by high priest (Heb 5:1) vs.
    Prayers and Supplications -- by Christ the High Priest (Heb 5:7).

    I checked an unfamiliar for me term:
    Supplication n. — a humble request for help or mercy from someone in authority.

    ...we are to be about prayers and supplications for the people we are called to serve.

    That's definitely a calling of a leader -- to pray for those he is serving!

    A while ago I found in myself a missing before motivation to pray for others. I believe the Lord has changed my heart. And I find Prayer Lists in Logos Bible Software very handy -- to pray systematically, specifically and regularly.

    1. Yes, anything that can spur us on in our prayer life is a great help.
