
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Response to Overwhelming Depth

This week in the Dads Teach the Bible Workshop we reviewed the tool Verse Analysis Study (by the way I offered this a while back in this blog).  The assignment was to study 2 Peter 3:14 – 16.  The men in the workshop have not ever done anything like this in the Word.  Their responses were instructive.
How do we respond to the depth of the Word?  Thoughts at DTTB.
One of the guys was overwhelmed with the idea that he could get so much out of one sentence in the Bible.  I get it.  I had the same response.

One of the other guys said that he really did not see the point of doing all of this until he got to step 5 of the 8 steps, then he was, like the first guy blown away but the depth of what he was seeing.

Both of these men said that they had no idea that they could go that deep and be rewarded with what they saw in one verse.  Again, I have the identical response.

So when we are faced with overwhelming depth or an incredibly steep learning curve, how do we respond?  It seems there are at least two responses.  First, we throw up our hands in despair and say we can never get to the bottom of this and give up.

Or we throw up our hands in awe and exclaim in wonder we can never get to the bottom of this and we spend the rest of our lives drinking from those depths.


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