
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Say Yes to Hate

You have seen the bumper stickers.  “Say no to hate.”  Problem is the term “hate” no longer has meaning.  It has been warped to essentially mean if you disagree with a “politically correct” position, say the choice of a homosexual lifestyle, you are a hater, or, to use another term that no longer has meaning a ____phobe, fill in the blank with whatever it is you tend to disagree.
The world tells us that we should not hate.  Is the world right?  Do they know what that word even means?
Unsurprisingly, the world’s view does not align itself with Scripture.  There are too many examples to list here but you can start with Psalm 119: 104, 113, 128, if you want more email me and I will send you a longer list.

We hear a lot about the need to release hate.  That does not seem to be the counsel of the Bible.  We are to hate sin in all of its forms.  We are to oppose it and those who propagate it.  Before you respond that we are to hate the sin and love the sinner, spend some time in Psalms and Proverbs chasing down the term “hate.”

We have to choose between PC and following Christ.  Do we not?

1 comment:

  1. The whole PC thing has me on the brink. Thanks for sharing.
