
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Resistance and Reproduction

You are aware that Christ had mixed success in His ministry.  Not everyone agreed with Him.  Not everyone followed Him.  You will probably not fare better than God.
Not all that you do with your kids or with other people will result in them responding to Christ.  Some people will never do so...
In the past couple of days that has been driven home, yet again, through a series of events.  On the one hand there is a group of men with whom I have met for years (by the way while what I am sharing is accurate all of the details have been epically altered) are continually pushing back on what I am trying to do to help them.  “This is too hard.”  “People do not really need to study like this.”  “This is something that only pastors should be doing.”  “I do not get this.”  Resistance.

On the other hand there is a guy I have just been meeting with for a short time.  He is eating it up.  He cannot wait to find someone with whom to share what he is learning.  He is pushing me with what he is seeing in the Word.

Working to lead our kids in the Word will follow the same cyclical pattern.  It goes with the territory.  There are times when the kids will be receptive and times they resist.  Our ministry to them will follow the same pattern a ministry to those outside our homes would.

Be encouraged.  Christ had the same result.  We are not above our Teacher.

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