
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Prof's Chart

Taking a break from Einstein.
Prof's Chart
Dr. Howard Hendricks was one of my mentors.  I have listened to so many of his messages I cannot count.  Listened to three today while riding my bike.  While at DTS I took every course he taught and graded his leadership course for him for two years.  I was privileged to travel with he and his wife to a speaking engagement while as student at DTS.  In several of his messages on Bible study he mentions a chart that he created while at Wheaton that puts the Old Testament together chronologically.  After many years of searching I have obtained a copy.  You can print this high resolution copy out and put it in your Bible.  It will help you get your bearings as you read through the OT.


  1. Did a search for this graphic this morning as I've had it taped in my Bible cover for years! I had Prof Hendricks for Bible Study Methods in the late 1980's - great class!

    Kelly S.

    1. Yes,he was great. He is sorely missed.

    2. Hello Mr. Cunningham, I listen to Mr. Hendricks each day in my car from his Navigator classes that are on tape. Do you have any of his class materials like charts, diagrams, handouts that I could use as a seminary student at NOBTS?

    3. Sure, send me your contact information at

  2. Thank you, Mike! I hoped to find it.

  3. Sorry about the typo on Chronologically... I will fix eventually...

  4. Do you have a chart like this for the NT?

    1. I am sorry I just saw your three inquiries. I do have a chart for the New Testament. It is not as compact, it came from a different source than prof. It was another prof at DTS. If you will email me at and mention that you are interested in the chart I will be happy to forward it to you.

  5. Is there a chart like this for the NT?

  6. Is there a similar chart for the New Testament?

  7. I would really appreciate a copy of the 2 charts. My daughter is in a disciple training program and I'm sure she could benefit from any charts or timelines you have. Thank you#
