
Friday, May 11, 2012

Redeeming Time

Today did not go as planned.  Ever happen to you?  Scheduled to teach Sunday school this week and I need several hours to get ready, I had planned on getting a lot of that done yesterday, but another project expanded and crashed.  So the plan was to focus this morning on getting prepped for Sunday because from 3 PM today I am booked fairly solid until the class starts Sunday.
As time is running out, what do you do?  We have to make the most of what we have.
Didn’t happen.

My wife asked me to do a couple of things for her and I was glad to.  They took longer than I expected.  Two or three other things came up and soon the morning was flying by.  When that happens I have in the past gotten really frustrated and that frustration has prevented me from getting anything done.  This morning as the window I had to work with was rapidly closing, I chose to take whatever time I had left, about 40 minutes, and get as much done as I could.  In that time I was able to get a sense of what I needed to do, get a small start on the work, but more importantly get a good handle on what needs to be done and how I can make it work in the time I have left before Sunday.

Other times I have just been fossilized by frustration.  The closing window created a despair that kept me from getting anything done.  Ephesians 5:15 – 16, tells us that is not a great way to live.  We are to make every second count.  It is not easy for me to do.  Today by God’s grace I did better.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing to comment on - never happens to me.

    (Next post could be on lying....)
