
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Death Crawl

We need to push ourselves in the pursuit of God.
If you saw the movie “Facing the Giants,” you will remember the scene with the death crawl.  If you have not seen it, or want to watch it again do that now by clicking the image below.
As believers we typically do not fight very hard, at least in this culture, the United States.  For those of you reading this from outside our borders, this will apply in a different way.  Here we do not have to work very hard to get “fed.”  We cannot drive very far in any city without passing a church.  There are multiple radio and television stations broadcasting “Christian” content of various degrees of value 24/7/365.  There are multiple Christian bookstores and magazines.  We suffer from an embarrassment of riches when it comes to content.  That is not necessarily a good thing; in fact I do not believe it is.  It makes us lazy.  It makes us dependent.  It means that we do not exercise our minds, our spiritual gifts, in the hard original study of God’s Word.  We do not have to.  There is a myriad of Christian authors and speakers who are more than willing to do that for us, for a small or substantial fee.

So when we are given a task that is hard.  We will often look for an easy way out.  We hit a difficult passage or study, and will quickly move to go to a commentary or a study Bible, or a book on the subject.  We do not push ourselves to “death crawl,” through the text.  That means that our skills lie dormant or atrophy.  What happens then, when, like our brothers and sisters in China, Iran, Jordan, or Syria we do not have access to that embarrassing wealth of content?

Push yourself.  Do not take the easy way in study.  Stretch.  Learn new skills.  Do not rest on what you know.  Philippians 3:12 – 14 and 1 Corinthians 9:25 – 27, tell us that we are to push ourselves.  To borrow a phrase, “Just Do It.”

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