
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Against the Wind

If you are like me, seasoned, you may remember a song Bob Seger sang in the 80’s, “Against the Wind.”  The content of that is a bit different than what I have been thinking about this morning but the concept is the same.  Romans 12:2 in the Phillips translation reads in part “Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould…”  If we are going to follow Christ and lead our families in that same journey we are going to be continually going “against the wind.”
As believers how do we stand against the wind of our culture?
That is not easy.  If you are a sailor, you know that it takes skill to sail against the wind.  Do a quick search on the net and you will find multiple courses and videos on how to accomplish this.  What are the keys to standing, running against the wind for the believer?

The Wednesday morning Bible study I am in has been looking at Romans this year.  It seems to me that there are some significant clues to successfully navigating this challenge in the structure and content of that paragon of Paul’s epistles.  You are aware, no doubt, that Paul will typically present doctrine in the first part of his letters and then apply that doctrine practically in the second half of the book, Romans is no different.  1 – 11 is intensely and in some cases maddingly doctrinal; 12 – 16 is the practical application.  Depending on the theological tradition in which you are most comfortable, you will have varying levels of struggles with the heart of Paul’s arguments in 8 – 11; for it is there that we encounter foreknowledge, election, predestination, calling, and the choice of God in the context of Paul’s presentation of justification by faith.

Let me submit for your consideration that it is in this densely difficult section of Romans that the anchors for you and your children being able to stand firm against the winds of the current age attempting to force you into its mould.

What do you think?  I will expand this some tomorrow…

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