
Sunday, February 19, 2012

What is a Disciple - 3

We established yesterday that a disciple is a follower of Christ.  Two thousand years ago that meant that we strapped on our sandals and walked with Christ for three years in the environs of Israel.  Not going to work today.  So how does one respond to the command to follow Christ?

There are at least five avenues that will help us in following Him today.

2 Peter 1:3, 4, is key in this pursuit.  Peter tells us here that we have been granted all we need for life and godliness.  How?  By becoming partakers of the divine nature.  How does that work?  Essentially what Peter is telling us here is the Word of God is a representation of the nature and character of God.  When we open the Book, we are stepping into the presence of Him who created us and gives purpose to our lives.  As we study its pages we are studying Him.  Note the tight construction of Peter’s thoughts in the transition between verses 3 and 4; he granted His precious and magnificent promises by His own glory and excellence.  His promises, His Word, is a reflection of who He is.

So the first avenue, perhaps the foundation of our current means of following Him, is to spend much time with Him in His Word.  It is essential.  Think of it.  We have access to the very nature and character of God whenever we wish simply by opening the pages of the Book.

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