
Thursday, February 2, 2012

I... I... I...

Over the years, in multiple conversations, discussions, about some aspect of following Christ there are phrases that seem to crop up over and over again, “I think…,” “I believe…,” “I feel…”  Those phrases have come out of my mouth as well.  At some level they are legitimate responses to some questions.  But at another level they perhaps reveal an inappropriate response to whatever topic is being discussed.
It does not really matter what "I think... feel... or believe," what matters is what is true, what does God think... feel... or believe.  To the extent that my thoughts, beliefs, or feelings align with God's I am walking, as John puts it in 3 John 4, "in truth."  To the extent that those three are not aligned, by definition, I am walking in a lie.

So how do I get aligned with God's thoughts, beliefs, and feelings?  He has revealed them for us in His Word; much more than that He has revealed Himself in His Word.  So I need to go to the Word to have, like Paul says in Romans 12:2, my mind renewed, aligned with His.  But there is a challenge in doing this.  It means that I have to come to the Word both acknowledging what I currently think, feel, and believe and hold it loosely.  That is I have to submit my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to what the Bible says.  That is largest struggle I, we will have in coming to the Bible.

More on this tomorrow.

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