
Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Holy Spirit and Discipleship

We have invested the past 10 days looking at what the Bible says a disciple is.  We have seen the disciplines that disciples follow are only effective when they are focused on an insatiable desire to know Christ.  But how do we do we maintain that focus?  How can we be sure that we are motivated correctly and are actually following Him?  Enter the Holy Spirit.
We are dependent on the Holy Spirit in discipleship in our desire to follow Christ and our ability to understand His Word.
In each of the disciplines we covered in the past 10 days the Spirit plays an indispensable, critical role in the disciple’s life.  For the next couple of days we will explore the Spirit's role in each of the areas we have examined together.

First is the initial requirement to follow Christ.  In John 16:8 – 10, Christ tells us that the Spirit is the one who convicts men of their need for Christ.  He is the one that draws men to Christ.  Without the Spirit’s intervention the eyes of those in bondage are blind to their need for Christ, 2 Corinthians 4:3.  The Spirit pierces that darkness.

Secondly, the Spirit enables us to know Christ thru the truth of His Word.  In the same chapter of John, Christ tells us in verses 12 – 14 the Spirit will lead us into all truth.  That makes sense, the Spirit inspired the Scripture, 2 Timothy 3:14 – 17, 2 Peter 1:20 – 21.


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