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Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Deep Impact of God’s People’s Disobedience

The Source
For the past couple of years I have been studying Jeremiah.  First with the Tuesday morning group, then with Wednesday and Thursday’s groups, and I am about three weeks from finishing with the Moroccan pastor I meet with on Thursdays on line.
The Deep Impact of God’s People’s Disobedience
The Reason for the Nation’s Destruction
This morning my Moroccan friend and I were working though Jeremiah 49.  Jeremiah 46 – 51 describes God’s judgement on the nations that surround Judah as well as His judgement on the nation that takes Judah into captivity, Babylon.  These nations are judged both for their treatment of Judah as well as their worship of their idols.

The Nation’s Influence on Judah
These nations also influenced Judah.  The people of Judah, rather than trust God, began to abandon His Word.  When that caused problems for them, rather than repent and return, they made alliances with these nations even entering into worship of their gods.

God’s Plan
In Psalm 78:5 – 8, God outlines His plan for revealing Himself through Israel.  In Isaiah 49:6 we read that Israel was intended to be a light to the nations.  It was God’s intent that their worship of Him would draw the nations to Him.

Slight problem.

Israel and Judah Disobeys
Israel, Judah, rather than obeying and worshiping God as He directed, abandoned His Word and began to pursue the gods of the nations.  Rather than being light, they entered into darkness.

The Nations Destroyed
The result?  Rather than drawing the nations to the Lord, by becoming like them, they assisted in their destruction.  Because God’s chosen people did not follow Him, those who were to be drawn to Him through their obedience, because of their disobedience were destroyed.

I do not want to push this too far.  However, it does raise a question.  If our churches are not holding fast to God’s Word.  If we are, like Israel and Judah compromising with the nations, what will be the impact on those with whom we are to share God’s truth?

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