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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Linked Shields

For the past couple of days I have been at Rewired.  It is the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma’s Men’s conference.  About 3500 men attended.  It was the second time I have been.  I had a couple of breakout sessions last time, as a matter of fact, that was why I wrote, Your Walk, their walk.  This time I was there to support a friend’s ministry’s breakout.
Linked Shields
There was a theme throughout the conference.  One that validated a lot of what I have been seeing and experiencing in the Church.  That theme was that men need to step up and lead.  Lead themselves, their families, their churches, their communities, and the nation.

One of the consistent messages was that we could not lead on our own.  Certainly we have to lead through the strength of Christ, but we also need to link shields with other men who are committed to Christ and engaged in the same battle to lead.

Much of the Bible speaks of this; there are examples in both testaments.  But if you look at 2 Corinthians 16:13 you get a flavor for why Paul wrote what he did.  That is the encouragement that permeates all of his letters.

We have each been gifted.  According to Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4:11 – 16, that gifting is to build one another up.  To link shields and to hold each other up in battle, in leading.

If we do not do our part.  The wall fails.

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