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Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Have you ever been drawn to a passage of Scripture over and over?  That has been happening with me with Psalm 50 for the past several months.  I was there again this morning.
I use the first phrase of verse 1 in most of my workshops.  Asaph uses three names of God to emphasize the importance of the Word of God.

This morning the second phrase in verse 1 demanded my attention.  Asaph reminds us that the Lord summoned the earth from the morning to the evening.  Spend some time chasing that word "summoned".  It shows up several times in the creation account in Genesis.  The sense there is that the Lord named the different elements of the creation as He made them.  The sense here in Psalm 50 is that the Lord is in charge, He is sovereign.  He commands, summons the earth, He is in control of it.  Throughout the Scripture we are reminded of God's control over nature, over all aspects of this world.

That raised several questions for me.  Why is it when the reality of God's control over the world is so clear in Scripture, do we go to great lengths to establish that He does not have control over us?

I think the answer may be in Psalm 50:21, we think that He is just like us.  We create Him, in our minds in our own image.  We think He should do things the way we would do them.  Rather than allow the Word to tell us who He is, we form Him to be like us.  He is not.

He reminds us of that in Isaiah 55:8 - 9.  It is our assignment to seek Him for who He is not who we want Him to be.

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